
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions


Do you have any degrees?

In 2017 I received an Associate's in The Applied Science of Programming. For a time I also went for a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering, but that didn't work out. Left the university after a semester.

What about certifications?

I've done a handful of assessments on random job sites, but that's about it.

List your biggest strengths.

I’m a perfectionist.

List your biggest weaknesses.

I’m a perfectionist.

No, really.

In terms of actual strengths and weaknesses, I have plenty of each. I am hesitant to list them, however. I'm sure you can understand, right? Let's get in contact first.

Are you a leader or a follower?

Both! I’ll lead where I’m confident I can, and I'll follow where I’m confident I should.

How may we contact you?

I have raubana@gmail.com but I rarely check it. If you're serious about possibly hiring me, then my LinkedIn is better. I don't usually hand out my personal email, so if that doesn't work... I dunno... try facebook, twitter, youtube, steam, discord...?

Do you spend all of your time on computers?

Nah, that'd be ridiculous...

...just most of it.


What are your strongest programming languages?

Python first, and Lua second.

What do you know outside of those?

I have worked a little in C, C++, C#, Java, Javascript, Google App Script, Ruby, ActionScript, and VisualBasic, plus I’ve tinkered with BASIC and Assembly. I can always learn, of course, and the internet is always a useful tool.

How would you do FizzBuzz up to 100?

for x in range(1,101):
	output = ""

	if x%3 == 0: output += "Fizz"
	if x%5 == 0: output += "Buzz"
	if not output: output = str(x)


How are you with version control?

I’ve worked a bit with Git and a very small amount with SVN. I'm always learning.

Do you have a GitHub?

Yeah! As a matter of fact this website is hosted by them. That said, I don't know if you'll like what you find on my GitHub. It's up to you. Just try to keep an open mind, I guess.

Have you ever worked on a team?

Yes, a few times, although those few times were pretty messy and stressful experiences. We didn’t have a good systems analyst or designer leading the way.

Tabs or Spaces?

I personally prefer tabs.

Do you freelance?

Sometimes, but I'd rather be employed.

Do you make hacks?

No. (Why do people keep asking this??)

Office Life

How are you with Microsoft Office?

Better than some, but mostly just okay. I'm most familiar with Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.

Do you make macros?

I mean, I can, and I have, but now I know better. You wouldn't believe some of the malicious stuff you can do with macros.

How are you with databases?

I’m not the right person to ask for dealing with databases. I’ve only ever done a little SQL, and it was for this one class in college.

Do you make websites?

I’m probably the wrong person to ask for making websites. I mean, just look at this site. I hand-coded this with Notepad++. I mean, it's not terrible, but...


Do you have any games on Steam?

No, not yet. I want to be sure I have something worth publishing first (or that I'm prepared to make it), and I've got all the financial and legal stuff figured out. For now, I'm more interested in working for an existing studio so I can witness the process first-hand. Maybe I might try releasing some games of my own after I've done my part contributing to a few titles for other companies.

What game engines are you most familiar with?

Source. I've done a little outside of it, but mostly just Source. I really want to check out Source 2 sometime.

Aside from those, have you worked with any other game engines?

Not yet. I've messed with Unity a little, and I plan to check out Unreal soon.

Do you make maps for games?

I have before. I’m only okay at it, though.

Do you make 3D models?

A little. I'm getting better with Blender, but I'm not amazing with it... yet.

How are you with graphical stuff?

I use GIMP for editing bitmaps and Inkscape for making vectors. I'm not amazing, but I know my way around these applications.

How are you at video editing?

I think I'm pretty decent.

What about VFX?

I... suppose it depends what you mean??

Do you make music?

I used to, yeah. My "lame claim to fame" has been that I have two original songs of mine that come with FL Studio as demo projects. My songs are Cool Nights and LIFE.

I know Cool Nights was removed at some point, but I think you can still find LIFE in the latest versions, maybe? I'd imagine you could download the demo of the application right now and you'd probably find my project for LIFE in the "Demo songs" folder, but it's been a minute since I last checked.

When it comes music, I've been pretty burned out for a little while now. I don't do much music stuff anymore... I mean, it's still pretty cool that I got my music into my favorite DAW, but there are problems when your music is just so freely out there like this. Not to mention that my music is just okay; it's nothing super special.

What about sound effects?

Kind of, yeah! I like to record foley, and I can do a little bit of sound design.

Can you sing?

A little, yeah! I practice a lot while I do idle work.

What about voice acting?

I'm okay at that, yeah.


Are you a Brony/Furry?


Are there any last comments you’d like to make?

I just love making stuff, especially entertaining things that make people go "wow!" I also love art. I’ve always wanted to do something extraordinary. I hope this website was worth the effort and worth your time. Thanks for reading.

... please hire me ;-;